• December 9, 2011

Texas Alliance for Life endorse Chairman Hunter

Texas Alliance for Life endorse Chairman Hunter

Texas Alliance for Life endorse Chairman Hunter 150 150 Elect Todd Hunter

Texas Alliance for Life endorse Chairman Hunter

Dear Chairman Hunter:

We are pleased to inform you that the Texas Alliance for Life PAC has endorsed your candidacy for the 2012 Primary Election for State Representative District 32.

Our decision to support your campaign was based on your support for pro-life issues that are a priority for Texas Alliance for Life, such as:

  • Requiring parental consent for abortions and treatments on minor girls;
  • Promoting adult stem cell research and treatments and opposing tax funding for embryonic stem cell research, which requires the destruction of human embryos;
  • Support for informed consent requirements for women considering abortion, including a requirement to make the sonogram image of the unborn child available;
  • Prenatal protection for unborn children from violent crimes of assault and homicide; and

Limits on state funding of organizations offering elective abortions.
TAL had tremendous success in 2011; much was accomplished by the Texas Legislature. The most notable accomplishments include:

  • The Sonogram bill, HB 15, which not only requres a sonogram be offered to the woman wanting the abortion, but it also requres the abortionist to meet face to face with the woman 24 hours before the abortion can be performed;
  • The Choose Life specialty license plate, SB 257, which raises money to promote the loving option of adoption;
  • The funding prioritization by Senator Nelson and Representative Zerwas in SB 7 and the funding prioritization rider by Representative Chisum, Morrison, Burkett and Senator Williams in the appropriations bill, HB 1, which prioritized the Family Planning funding administrated by the Department of State Health Services to go to health organizations that offer comprehensive primary care while pushing Planned Parenthood to the back of the funding line; and
  • The exclusion of Planned Parenthood abortion providers and their affiliates from receiving Medicaid family planning funding under the women’s health program (SB 7).

With the challenge to the redistricting lines for the U.S. House of Representatives, the Texas House and the Texas Senate, it is a tumultuous time. Our endorsement of your candidacy is based on your pro-life stance in comparison to the other announced candidates in your particular race. If significant changes should occur putting multiple endorsed candidates in a single district, the endorsements will be reviewed and modifications will be made.

The Texas Alliance for LIfe PAC was established by Texas Allianc for Life, Inc., a nonprofit organization of people accross the state committed to protecting the innocent human life from conception until natural death. We oppose the advocacy and proactice of abortion, euthanasia and assisted suicide, and research that involves the destruction of human embryos, including embryonic stem cell research. We strongly support research and treatments involving adult stem cells, including those obtained fro bone marrow and cord blood. Visit us at www. TexasAllianceforLife.org.

Thank you for your support of life.  We look forward to assisting your campaign. Please feel free to use this endorsement for campaign purposes including release to the public. If we can be of further assistance, do not hesitiate to contact us. We may be able to provide you with information, lisits of identified pro-life households, and other resources to assist your campaign. I can be reached at 512.477.1244 or joe@texasallianceforlife.org.


Joe Pojman, PH.D.
Executive Director
Texas Alliance for Life PAC