Local Museums Highlight the History of the Coastal Bend
Tourism in Texas is diverse in many ways. There’s outdoor activities like the beaches, lakes, and waterparks and there are indoor activities like music halls/venues and museums. Museums play a key role in preserving history and educating us on our local history and region. The Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History and the Port Aransas Museum are great attractions in the Coastal Bend for tourists and locals!
The Corpus Christi Junior Museum was officially established in 1957 under the leadership of Aalbert Heine and a dozen volunteers who were teachers by trade. The museum was originally located on Water Street in a repurposed city building. In 1990, the name was changed to the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History. Director Heine’s stated: “A visit to the museum should be a day to observe the world from as many angles as possible”. This was deemed the mission of the museum. By 1968, the museum was overflowing with artifacts and exhibits and soon thereafter the museum was moved to its current location, 1900 North Chaparral Street. 60 years from 1957 and four additions to the building later, the museum continues to meet Director Heine’s vision/mission by inspiring all visitors to learn the history of our great nation, local origins, and anywhere in between through education programs and fun events. To learn more visit the Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History.
The Port Aransas Preservation and Historical Association (PAPHA) was established in November of 2002. In partnership with the City of Port Aransas, the PAPHA worked diligently to mark historical locations and showcase the history of Port Aransas, Texas. The Texas Historical Commission and Preservation Texas and the community came together to raise funds to establish a history museum. In 2008, the Port Aransas Museum was opened to the public. The museum is located in the Community Center Complex at 101 East Brundrett at North Alister Port Aransas, Texas. The mission of the Port Aransas Museum is: “Promoting citizen interest and participation in the appreciation and preservation of Port Aransas’ history, environment and ambiance”. They accomplish this by conducting a variety of tours (museum, land, and boat), events, and creating exhibits that highlight the rich history of Port Aransas. To learn more please visit the Port Aransas Museum.
If you have questions regarding any of the information mentioned in this week’s article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. Please always feel free to contact my office if you have any questions or issues regarding a Texas state agency, or if you would like to contact my office regarding constituent services. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).
– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32
Rep. Hunter represents Nueces County (Part). He can be contacted at todd.hunter@house.texas.gov or at 512-463-0672