• May 26, 2011

Discriminatory windstorm bill

Discriminatory windstorm bill

Discriminatory windstorm bill 150 150 Elect Todd Hunter

CORPUS CHRISTI – Letter to the Editor – The Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce favors affordable insurance for protection against hurricanes. The chamber also favors uncomplicated, swift, fair administration of the insurance, especially the claims process. To accomplish those goals, we were forced to oppose House Bill 272, the Texas Windstorm Insurance Reform bill and its committee substitute in the Senate. When HB 272 passed the House Insurance Committee it was a bad bill. After hearing the Chamber concerns, our legislative delegation, led by House Calendars Chairman Todd Hunter, amended the bill and had the rate increase removed, the claims procedure shortened and simplified and the right to resolve a disputed claim in Nueces County restored. Thanks to Chairman Hunter, Reps. Connie Scott and Raul Torres, and Sen. Juan “Chuy” Hinojosa for their leadership on the windstorm insurance issue. We will continue to work with them and others for the future economic prosperity of the Coastal Bend.{read more}