• April 20, 2012

HOSPAC and the Texas Hospital Association endorses Todd Hunter

HOSPAC and the Texas Hospital Association endorses Todd Hunter

HOSPAC and the Texas Hospital Association endorses Todd Hunter 150 150 Elect Todd Hunter

HOSPAC and the Texas Hospital Association endorses Todd Hunter

Texas Hospital Association State and Federal Action Committees
Mailing: P.O. Box 679010, Austin, Texas 78767
512/465-1044 – Fax: 512/692-2825

April 19, 2012

The Honorable Todd Hunter
Todd Hunter Campaign
Corpus Christi, TX

Dear Representative Hunter:

HOSPAC, the state political action committee of the Texas Hospital Association, is pleased to endorse your candidacy for the Texas House of Representatives! To get the word out about your endorsement, THA and HOSPAC will:

    1. Publish its endorsements on the HOSPAC Web site next week;
    2. Promote the Web site through frequent THA members communications; and
    3. Be available to assist your campaign in promoting this endorsement to media outlets in your district.

Next week, HOSPAC is distributing a general news release about its endorsements; however, please use the attached template which may be personalized to promote HOSPAC’s endorsement further in your district. In addition, you may use HOSPAC’s and/or the Texas Hospital Association’s name in campaign advertising or other communications. If you want further assistance with media relations activities, please contact Lance Lunsford, THA’s vice president of advocacy communications, at 512/465-1052.

One of the largest hospital associations in the country, THA represents more than 85 percent of the state’s hospitals and health care systems, which employ more than 369,000 health care professionals statewide. Endorsement decisions are made by the HOSPAC Board of Directors, a diverse group representing all areas of the state. Decisions are based on candidates’ positions on health care issues, previous support of health care issues, and input from local hospital representatives.

We appreciate your interest in working with hospitals as we face the challenges of delivering care to our diverse, fast-growing population. In 2011, the Texas Legislature made major revisions to Texas Medicaid, including hospital reimbursement, to improve care, reduce costs and achieve budget certainty. The state’s 1115 hospital payment transformation waiver is just being implemented, and hospitals face great uncertainty as Medicaid financing changes and reimbursement cuts are implemented. While the 2013 Legislature will face significant budget challenges, Texas hospitals urge you to work to ensure the state’s revenue structure meets the infrastructure needs of our growing state. Also be aware that Texas hospitals cannot sustain more funding reductions in the portions of Medicaid that impact acute care. Hospitals are major employers in the state, and the health care field is growing rapidly. Texas must ensure an adequate health care workforce to meet the needs of Texans and to enhance the state’s economic viability. With the highest rate of uninsured in the nation, Texas’ health care policies will be more important than ever. Our state’s future depends on a well-educated population, and good health is essential to learning. Both health care and education must be priorities.

If you need further information about health care/hospital issues, please contact THA’s John Hawkins, senior vice president of advocacy and public policy, at 512/465-1505. Hospitals look forward to working with you to improve health care. Good luck in your election efforts!

James A. Summersett, III, FACHE
HOSPAC Board of Directors

Dan Stultz, M.D., FACP, FACHE
Texas Hospital Association