• December 2, 2013



TIS THE SEASON FOR GIVING 150 150 Elect Todd Hunter


The Holiday Season is here and many of us are looking forward to a Christmas and holiday season spent with family and friends. Unfortunately, there are many in our community who will not be so blessed as to be surrounded by loved ones, gifts and the simple pleasures that make Christmas and the holidays so special. This year we should focus on being charitable and helping those who are less fortunate and in need. Over the next two weeks, I will use this column to point out different ways in which you can make this Christmas and holiday season a little brighter for those who need it the most.

Toys for Tots

The “Toys for Tots” Program has been a mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve since it first began in 1947. The program collects new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distributes those toys as Christmas gifts to disadvantaged children in the community. In its first year, founder Major Bill Hendricks, USCR and a group of Marine Reservists in Los Angeles collected and distributed 5,000 toys to children. Over the past 65 years, the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program has distributed well over 452 million toys to more than 209 million needy children. Many of those toys have been distributed in our Coastal Bend region.

In the Coastal Bend region, boat parades are used as part of the Toys for Tots campaign. The lighted boats in the parades are accompanied by “pick-up” boats with Marines on board that stop along the route at boat docks and collect toys. Our area ranks as one of the top areas in the country in the amount of toys collected every year. It is important to note that there are more than 50 drop-off locations for unwrapped toys located throughout the Coastal Bend. For more information on how and where to make a donation, please visit Toys For Tots.

Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS)

Many of our state’s most vulnerable citizens are currently under the care of the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (DFPS). The agency has a broad charge which in part includes protecting children as well as adults who are elderly or have disabilities that are living at home or in state facilities. There are approximately 249 offices across the state with roughly 6,800 DFPS employees assisting Texas citizens in need.
It is important to remember that many of the citizens being served by DFPS are children in foster care. These are children in need of a loving home, but many are also in need of something much simpler this Christmas and holiday season — the joy that comes with the receipt of a thoughtful gift.

DFPS has partners across the state called Rainbow Rooms, who accept donations on behalf of the children and families with whom they service. These donations can be items such as toys and even basic essentials. It is important to remember that toy donations should be new and unwrapped. If you are unable to find a Rainbow Room near you these items can also be taken to the DFPS local offices. You can find out more about how you can help as well as locate the nearest DFPS office by visiting Texas Department of Family and Protective Services.

If you have questions regarding the giving opportunities mentioned in this article, please do not hesitate to call my Capitol or District Office. As always, my offices are available at any time to assist with questions, concerns or comments (Capitol Office, 512-463-0672; District Office, 361-949-4603).

– State Representative Todd Hunter, District 32

Rep. Hunter currently represents Nueces County (Part). He can be contacted at todd.hunter@house.state.tx.us or at 512-463-0672.